Frequently Asked Questions

Are you able to staff multiple company locations?

Absolutely. Elgen Staffing is a national staffing agency located in Bergen County, New Jersey. We help companies with hiring in states throughout the U.S.

How many positions can you fill at once?

Elgen Staffing does it all and can help you fill as many or as few positions as your company requires

What is your employee screening process?

Our team of recruiters views hundreds of resumes every day. We customize our process for each individual client to ensure we provide the right fit for the position. We utilize pre-screening and background checks as well.

How long does it take to fill a position?

This changes on a case-by-case basis depending upon the specific needs of the client. While we strive to fill positions as quickly as possible, we always make sure to provide proper screening, background checks, and interviews with all potential employees. To discuss your specific needs and timeline please give us a call or email

Do you charge a fee for your services or a flat rate?

Elgen Staffing charges a fee only if we are able to successfully fill the open position. If we do not provide a candidate that fits your needs, you pay nothing.

What industries does Elgen Staffing specialize in?

To see a complete list of the various industries we specialize in you can visit this page.

Does Elgen offer a guarantee when placing candidates?

Yes! Elgen Staffing offers a standard 45-day replacement guarantee for any candidate you are not satisfied with. We will replace any candidate free of charge, no questions asked, within the candidate’s first 45 days of employment. Otherwise, you have the option to apply the fee towards a future placement. We seek to create long-term, mutually-beneficial relationships.

Why should we choose Elgen Staffing for our hiring needs?

We set ourselves apart by avoiding a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach, instead focusing on the strengths of our experience and recruiters. We listen to each company and learn their needs, company culture, and what makes a potential candidate successful. We seek to create long-term relationships and have done so successfully by customizing the process for each individual company we work with.

What is the benefit of working with a staffing agency?

There are several key benefits of working with a company like Elgen Staffing. By outsourcing your staffing needs to us you save time, money, and unnecessary risk.  Our thorough vetting of candidates allows us to guarantee a high-quality hire.

Do you fill temporary or permanent positions?

Our team of recruiters can fill any position required, whether it be something seasonal or long-term.

Have additional questions? Call today or fill out the form below
