How to Effectively Engage Candidates

How to Effectively Engage Candidates

A new hire is preceded by your company’s reputation. In today’s digital world, potential employers are doing as much research on you as you are looking into them. Employee and former employee reviews on various job boards give candidates insight into company culture and the experience of working for you.

The way candidates are treated during the interview process also shapes the way employees view your company in the future. Often, these employees share their thoughts with others.

Implement the following to effectively engage candidates and continue to improve upon company culture and the employee experience.


A lack of communication during the interview process can be particularly anxiety-inducing for candidates. It often feels as if they have sent their resume into an abyss, never hearing back from the company they’ve applied to. Communication throughout this process can make all the difference and start things off with the candidate on the right foot. It can be as simple as a live chat feature or an email, allowing you to field candidate questions and inquiries.

Build Excitement

Just as looking over resumes isn’t an exciting prospect for staffing agencies or employers, it is a necessary part of the hiring process. Likewise, applying to jobs is a stressful process for candidates. As an employer, it is up to you to create excitement in the hiring process. This can be done by engaging potential employees and allowing your company’s personality to come through during the interview process.

A Transparent Timeline

One way to create a positive experience is setting expectations, which includes a transparent timeline for the hiring process. While you may believe as an employer that you’ll know the right candidate when you see him or her, this ends up stringing along nearly every applicant. It is essential for the hire, the perception of your company, and your business that you establish a timeline for the hiring process and stick to it.


Creating a positive public perception of your business is crucial to maximizing profits and employee engagement. Molding this image begins with interactions between yourself and candidates during the hiring process. Despite the fact that you will only hire one person for the open position in most cases, every individual you interview will walk away with an impression of your company and the ability to share that perception with others. Engage candidates throughout the process and improve the reputation of your company.


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