Cognitive Distortions to be Aware of in Decision Making

cognitive distortions decision making

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

cognitive distortions decision making

There are a number of factors that go into success in the workplace. One of the most important and most frequently used skillsets is that of making quality decisions. It is equally critical to be aware of inherent biases in our decision-making process.

Cognitive distortions can be counterintuitive in a leadership role. These are faulty habits that impede our decision-making. The following are examples of cognitive distortions to be aware of in your pursuit of being an exemplary leader in the workplace.

Cognitive Distortions to Be Aware of

Catastrophic Thinking

This is similar to being a pessimist, yet slightly different. Catastrophic thinking leads one to not only expect but constantly prepare for the worst in every situation. While being prepared is hardly a fault, catastrophic thinking borders on anxiety, constantly going over “what if?” situations that have yet to, or may never occur.

“Should” Statements

Social norms tell us there are certain ways of doing things, rooted in various expectations on how we conduct ourselves at home and in the workplace. However, constantly feeling like you or someone else should have done this or that further increases stress and anxiety. Instead of focusing on how you believe things should be, pay attention to how they actually are and what solution can be applied.

Jumping to Conclusions

We’re all familiar with the saying regarding assumptions, and for good reason. If your decisions are based on jumping to conclusions on what an employee or co-worker may say or do, you are falling under the faulty belief that you can read minds or predict the future. The best decisions are made when one has as much information as possible. By assuming you know how something is going to play out, you are short-changing yourself the opportunity to make a well-informed decision.


People with a high emotional quotient know that taking things personally only interferes with attaining goals. This common distortion leads one to take the blame for things that are out of their control. This can be based on misinterpreting what a co-worker says or reaffirming a negative belief about yourself.  Whatever the case may be, personalization leads to forms of self-pity, such as feeling like you are being targeted or singled out. It’s best not to compare oneself to others, and instead take things as they come without taking them personally.

Emotional Reasoning

Emotional reasoning is a false belief that feelings are facts. While there is much to be said about relying on one’s ‘gut’ feeling (much can be read about this in Malcolm Gladwell’s book, “Think”), relying on feelings over objective evidence leads to mistakes. For example, just because you feel like you are not reaching your employees, does not mean it’s true.  Remove emotions are best as possible and stick to the facts.


Labeling, or mislabeling, refers to the human condition of defining oneself or others with a label. While many of us think in black and white, labeling removes the opportunity to see the grey area. Labels often reduce others to generalities, based on the negative characteristics associated with the label you’ve put on them. Assigning labels keeps one focused on conclusions made based on past behavior. While taking all evidence into consideration before making a decision is wise, constantly looking back and permitting others to change will not result in quality leadership.


While this is not a complete list of cognitive distortions or cognitive biases, it should introduce you to the more often applicable ones. If you are able to identify these are they are occurring and instead implement more realistic, non-emotional decisions, you will see the fruits of these decisions manifest in the workplace.

An applicable tip that can help you identify these distortions and improve leadership and decision-making skills is to take a pause. By pausing before deciding, you refrain from being reactionary, which is often guided by emotion. Something as simple as a short walk or even a few deep breaths will redirect your thinking and lead to more fruitful results for all.


How to Stay Productive Working Remotely

Productive Working Home

How to Be Productive Working Remotely

For many companies, COVID-19 forced a drastic shift in operations. Instead of sitting face-to-face around a conference table, meetings were moved to a virtual program such as Zoom or Teams. It has been crucial in these times for employees to remain motivated working from home, so as not to lose any productivity.

Here are some simple ways employees can remain productive while working remotely:

Adhere to Your Routine

Being organized and creating a routine are two important factors for remote employees. What does this look like in practice?

It is suggested that you continue to get up, take a shower and get dressed for work, even if you are only heading to a different room in your home. While it may be tempting to roll out of bed in your pajamas and get on the computer, this is not advisable.

Separating work from other at-home activities will allow employees to remain in a routine similar to when they were commuting. Keeping a routine at home will allow you to experience less stress and increase a feeling of productivity.

Get Out of the Home During Lunch

Whether it is taking lunch to a park and eating outside, or going to the gym on your break, getting outside, into the sun, and breathing fresh air can help break up the monotony of the day. Getting outside separates the workday, much like when you were at the office.

Additionally, vitamin D received from sunshine is important for mental and physical health. If you don’t give yourself a reason to get outside, one could very easily become a recluse, rarely seeing outside the walls of their home.

Drink Plenty of Water

While this is good practice for everyone, not just those working from home, it is no doubt easier to remain hydrated when working from home. There is no excuse not to get the recommended eight glasses of water.

Set a reminder for yourself. It is very easy to get into a pattern of drinking caffeine or energy drinks around the clock. Not only is too many of these substances not healthy, but they will also increase stress and potentially throw off your sleep cycle. As stated above, keeping a daily routine is crucial when working from home, and regular sleep times are part of that routine.

Take a Drive

While this may sound crazy, as not commuting is one of the more positive aspects of working remotely, taking a drive at some point during the day is important. Simply getting in your car and going for a short drive can lead to you being more alert upon re-entering the home.

Implementing something like taking a drive to get your morning cup of coffee lends itself to keeping part of the routine you may have had when commuting into the office. This can lessen the shock and isolation of working from home and add another element to your daily routine.


Taking these tips and placing them into your remote work life can assist in making remote work more enjoyable. While there are many benefits to working from home, many people have suffered mental health consequences due to the drastic shift. While this may be particularly more difficult for those who have been going into an office for twenty or more years, it is equally important for everyone to apply these principles.

4 Benefits of Using a Staffing Agency to Find a Job

Benefits of Staffing Agency Find Job

The Benefits of Using a Staffing Agency to Find a Job

Searching for a new position can be exhausting. The amount of time spent updating resumes, filling out work history, and going on interviews can drain even the most determined individuals. Fortunately, there is an easier way to find your next job thanks to staffing agencies.

While not limited to the following list, these are four benefits of using a staffing agency to land your next gig:

Increased Access to Employers

When using a staffing agency to find a job, you have access to employers and openings that you may not find on popular job boards. Furthermore, using a recruiter will help you to stand out from the dozens of others applying for the same position directly.

A recruiter searching for you is equivalent to them vouching for your ability as a qualified candidate. Additionally, staffing agencies have worked closely with many companies and therefore have insight and personal relationships that you can leverage.

By using a staffing agency, you not only save time but increase the chances of landing interviews.

No Cost to the Job-Seeker

Staffing agencies such as Elgen Staffing are free to use. Even the company searching to fill the position pays nothing until the staffing agency puts a candidate in the position. Being the one seeking a job, you get all the benefits of the recruiter’s experience, relationships, and hard work, without having to spend a penny.

With no risk and huge potential upside, it makes sense to employ a staffing agency when searching for a new job. Having a recruiter involved in your job search provides a second set of eyes and an experienced ally at your disposal.

Increases the Efficiency of Your Search

In today’s world. the job market is evolving. Many positions are now either remote or split between the office and remote work. You may also have certain criteria for your next position, such as a company that offers a certain amount of PTO, is a startup, or any other number of potential specifics.

When searching on your own, it is entirely up to you to go through all job posts, read the job specifications, and decide if the position fits what you’re looking for. By using a recruiter, that work can be done for you, allowing you to only engage with potential positions that meet your standards.

An Expert to Help Coach You

When you use a staffing agency to find a job, the recruiter is nearly as invested as you are. Why? Because as stated above, they do not get paid unless they fill a position. Therefore, they will be working hard to find the right opportunities for you.

When the time comes to go on interviews, recruiters can use their inside knowledge of the position and industry expertise to coach you. Working one-on-one with a recruiter to prepare, you can expect to field practice interview questions likely to come up in the actual interview.

The more open and honest you are with the recruiter, the better they will be able to find the right position for you that leads to long-term success. Remember, staffing agencies are there to help you succeed, not to compete with you. Their paycheck depends upon making both the employer and employee happy.



There are many benefits to using a staffing agency to find a new job. The aforementioned four are just some of the many reasons it makes sense to add a recruiter to your search.

At Elgen Staffing, we take pride in putting qualified candidates in their desired position. We take the time to get to know each individual and match them up with a company that fits and works best for all parties involved.

If you are unsure about whether or not you should search for a new job, reach out to Elgen Staffing and see what is potentially out there. It is easier to search for a job when already employed, and putting yourself on a recruiters radar can be beneficial whenever the right fit does emerge.

Delegation Tips for Manager Success

Delegation Tips Manager Success

How to Successfully Delegate as a Manager

One of the key aspects of any manager’s job is knowing which tasks to delegate to others. Managers wear many hats and as such, it is crucial to understand the tasks best delegated to others. While many of us may be tempted to tackle everything, believing we can do it best, it is essential as a manager to divide tasks up to increase productivity and success.

Here are four tips managers can apply to successfully delegate:

Avoid Micromanaging

In order to inspire confidence in one’s team, it is important that managers are not hovering over employees, micromanaging each and every task. By clearly laying out expectations on a project and giving employees the freedom to execute on their own, managers take a much more results-oriented approach. Focusing on the results keeps managers out of the weeds and saves time.

Offer Support

Now that a task or project is delegated and expectations are clearly laid out, a successful manager avoids micromanaging while simultaneously offering support throughout the lifetime of the project. Completing a task without the proper tools in place leads to employee frustration and burnout. Avoid this by clearly communicating with staff that you are there to provide information and guidance when necessary, but will otherwise be hands-off while the team completes the project.

Gauge Employee Willingness

Part of successfully delegating involves understanding your team. Just as important as delegating tasks based on employee strength, it is crucial to be aware of those employees that buy into certain projects more than others. Delegating tasks to those team members that not only possess the strengths to succeed but also those who are willing to complete the task without dragging their feet, is an advisable way of successfully delegating tasks.

Avoid the Need to Control

While some managers struggle to avoid micromanaging but are able to keep their hands out, they give way to their desire for control once an employee asks for help. Instead of taking the opportunity to jump in and complete the project yourself, offer a simple recommendation and revert back to showing your team you believe in them.


Tantamount to a manager successfully delegating is a strong belief in the competence of their team. So long as you believe in the strengths of your team, delegating tasks to the best candidate is an excellent way to not only be productive but reaffirm your confidence in employees.

Avoid the urge to micromanage and take control and you will see a return that exceeds simply dollars and cents.

How to Effectively Engage Candidates

Engage Candidates

How to Effectively Engage Candidates

A new hire is preceded by your company’s reputation. In today’s digital world, potential employers are doing as much research on you as you are looking into them. Employee and former employee reviews on various job boards give candidates insight into company culture and the experience of working for you.

The way candidates are treated during the interview process also shapes the way employees view your company in the future. Often, these employees share their thoughts with others.

Implement the following to effectively engage candidates and continue to improve upon company culture and the employee experience.


A lack of communication during the interview process can be particularly anxiety-inducing for candidates. It often feels as if they have sent their resume into an abyss, never hearing back from the company they’ve applied to. Communication throughout this process can make all the difference and start things off with the candidate on the right foot. It can be as simple as a live chat feature or an email, allowing you to field candidate questions and inquiries.

Build Excitement

Just as looking over resumes isn’t an exciting prospect for staffing agencies or employers, it is a necessary part of the hiring process. Likewise, applying to jobs is a stressful process for candidates. As an employer, it is up to you to create excitement in the hiring process. This can be done by engaging potential employees and allowing your company’s personality to come through during the interview process.

A Transparent Timeline

One way to create a positive experience is setting expectations, which includes a transparent timeline for the hiring process. While you may believe as an employer that you’ll know the right candidate when you see him or her, this ends up stringing along nearly every applicant. It is essential for the hire, the perception of your company, and your business that you establish a timeline for the hiring process and stick to it.


Creating a positive public perception of your business is crucial to maximizing profits and employee engagement. Molding this image begins with interactions between yourself and candidates during the hiring process. Despite the fact that you will only hire one person for the open position in most cases, every individual you interview will walk away with an impression of your company and the ability to share that perception with others. Engage candidates throughout the process and improve the reputation of your company.


5 Ways to Attract Top Talent

Attract top talent

How to Attract Top Talent to Your Company

In an increasingly competitive business environment attracting top talent is crucial to success. While strategies vary from business to business and industry to industry, there are common denominators when it comes to attracting the top tier of potential employees. Implement the following five suggestions to gear your business up for a year characterized by growth.

1.  Reward Performance

Whether it is something as small as a twenty-five-dollar gift card to Amazon, or rewarding employees with additional paid time off (PTO), acknowledging employees with tangible rewards is a great way to increase performance and morale.

There is a surmounting pile of evidence that shows that employees who feel undervalued or underappreciated seek new jobs. With the high cost of employee turnover, it is much easier and more cost-efficient to provide small incentives that reward hard work and top performance.

2. Have an Open Door Policy

We have previously suggested in another article that regular feedback from employees is essential in cultivating a winning company culture. Besides using software that keeps feedback anonymous, it is strongly advisable to have an open-door policy.

If employees feel comfortable in approaching management directly with concerns, that communication will lead to improved morale. Additionally, it allows employers to solve problems or address concerns before they get out of hand.

3. Constantly Evolve

By consistently reviewing company policies, environment, team, and business goals, employers can make necessary adjustments. This kind of company culture is often successful, as management is constantly taking the temperature of the staff, assessing what works and what doesn’t, and being proactive in the improvement of and implementation solutions.

4, Set Clear Expectations

The top tier of performers often does not need to be micromanaged in order to execute. Assuming they are clear on goals and objectives, these employees figure out a way to get things done.

By setting specific, actionable goals for your company, employees have a clear understanding of how they can add value. By painting a clear picture of what success looks like upfront during the interview process, expectations are set from the onset. Furthermore, providing regular employee evaluations allows individuals to understand what they are doing correctly and what areas allow for improvement. Your team will appreciate the transparency.

5. Encourage Professional Development and Innovation

Perks such as tuition reimbursement, free courses in an employee’s respective field, and encouraging innovation allow staff to spend their time gaining confidence, improving skill sets, and ultimately being stimulated.

By tapping into the passions of your team you set a standard that management cares about the individual needs and desires of each employee, while also providing value in helping them master their craft.

Openly discuss career development plans and encourage employees to set short and long-term goals. By assisting them in harnessing their passions, those employees will reward you with remaining motivated and seeking ways to continually improve your operation.


While this is not a definitive list, it is one that is applicable to companies both big and small. These suggestions come from constant evaluation by fortune 500 companies who assess data and consistently seek ways to improve performance and company culture.

One does not need to reinvent the wheel, instead implement the aforementioned suggestions and reap the rewards of a staff that is motivated, grateful, and inspired.

How to Increase Employee Morale

How to increase employee morale

4 Ways to Increase Employee Morale

One of the largest issues in employee staffing is retention. The cost of employee turnover is high, and as a staffing agency, we go to great lengths to vert candidates in order to avoid this problem. However, there are things a company can do to reduce the chances of losing employees. Implement the following four tips to improve employee morale and reduce the incidences of employee turnover.

Give Employees the Gift of Time

Its been shown that a large percentage of employees check in with their jobs even when on vacation. While seeking and praising those employees with strong work ethic is good practice, encouraging employees to tune out on vacation is important for preventing burnout.

Many employers are now offering additional incentives as it pertains to time: increased flexibility with daily hours, a four-day workweek, unlimited vacation, and work-from-home opportunities. While this is new to many who have been in the workforce for a couple of decades, younger employees have come to expect this and often reward employers who provide these benefits.

Public Recognition

It is important to reward employees who go above and beyond the job description. This has a two-fold purpose as it

a) publically rewards the employee for his hard work, showing that this effort has not gone unnoticed, and

b) provides an example of the type of behavior that is rewarded to other staff members.

While ideas such as awarding an employee of the month are not new, still many companies do not implement this tactic. Many business owners expect employees to match their effort, however, this is a high expectation considering they are employees and do not have an ownership stake in the business.

Employee Development

Perhaps the most rewarding investment one can make in his or her employees, encouraging and even funding employee development or continued education is a wonderful way to create high morale while also constantly improving the value of employees.

Many employers in the past have worried that if they were to foot the bill for employee development, the employee would then take these skills elsewhere and benefit another employer. This fear-based thinking is often faulty and counterproductive. Employees reward those employers that invest and believe in them.

Will some take those skills elsewhere? It’s certainly possible, but basing the amount one invests in their employees, for this reason, is inadvisable.

Encourage Feedback

Asking employees to anonymously provide feedback about their experience is a terrific way of gauging employee morale without employees having fear of reprisal.

Building company culture is a top-down process, and employees’ experience will often reflect the attitude and management style of the owner or higher-up employees. It’s important to get specific feedback on a bi-weekly or monthly basis, allowing one to fix widespread issues and complaints before they lead to employees seeking jobs elsewhere.

Prioritize Employees

Considering the experience of customers or clients largely depends on interaction with employees, it’s imperative to ensure your team is a happy one.

While this is not a complete list, these four ways of improving morale and company culture are an excellent starting point to show employees they are appreciated and important. An attitude of indifference will not only lead to high employee turnover, but it will also kill the morale of those employees still working. In today’s digital world, negative employee reviews, as well as customer reviews based on negative interaction, can greatly affect the company’s bottom line.

Building company culture and prioritizing the morale of one’s staff is important in many respects. A happy employee will provide a return on investment many times over.

5 Benefits of Using a Staffing Company

Benefits of using staffing agency

The Benefits of Using a Staffing Company for Hiring

Staffing agencies have long proven their worth, employing millions of workers on a daily basis. As the demand for qualified employees grows in the United States, let’s take a closer look at the benefits of using a staffing company.

5 Advantages of Using a Staffing Agency

Save Time & Increase Flexibility

Using a staffing company saves you time, which is extremely valuable for busy professionals. Staffing companies review hundreds of resumes every day, qualifying candidates that are a good fit for open positions. They perform background checks, speak with references, and only present qualified candidates.

Save Money

While it is often said that, “time is money,” staffing agencies save companies money in more ways than time. The cost of onboarding a candidate that doesn’t work out is tremendous. Staffing companies are experienced in reading candidates between the lines and identifying potential red flags. Most staffing agencies, such as Elgen Staffing, charge you nothing unless they place a candidate. Furthermore, they often reimburse you if that candidate doesn’t stay as an employee for an agreed-upon duration of time.

Expand Your Network

An experienced staffing company will have a pipeline full of connections, contacts, and potential employees. Speaking with professionals all day, every day, staffing companies can help you address a wider range of needs thanks to these relationships. When you hire a recruiter to fill a position, you are also acquiring their connections.

Reduce Risk

Adding a new employee to payroll comes with risks.  As mentioned above, staffing companies provide an opportunity to “try before you buy.” During this temporary period, the agency will continue to work with you in the onboarding process. By being able to focus more on training and cultural fit, the chances of long-term employee retention are increased.

Industry Experts

A high-quality staffing company is one that specializes in particular industries. With more companies going remote, many people are embracing freelance work or entrepreneurship. This means fewer people are available for hire, which could lead to hiring a candidate that’s less than an ideal fit. Due to specializing in a particular industry, recruiters are adept at identifying the best possible candidates due to their experience.

There are many reasons to use a staffing agency for your next hire. Whether you lack the resources, time, or experience to find the right talent, delegating to a staffing company is an effective strategy.

Elgen Staffing views hundreds of resumes’ on a daily basis. We put great emphasis on identifying a candidate’s capabilities, looking at areas such as emotional quotient, cultural fit, and marketable skills.


5 Things to Never Say to a Recruiter

Never say to a recruiter

5 Things Never, Ever to Say to a Recruiter

When seeking a job with the help of a recruiter, whether they represent the business hiring or work independently, it is important to establish your value. Recruiters are there to place the right candidate in a role, but they are also on the other side of the negotiating table.

In order to be perceived as a valuable fit for a position, make sure never to say the following five things to a recruiter.

1Do not disclose that you currently have no other job prospects. If asked directly, kindly respond by saying that information is confidential. Your perceived value will be low if it appears that no one else is interested in hiring you.

2. Do not willingly identify holes in your resume. Recruiters are also working professionals, not close friends. The candidates they pass on to employers are a direct reflection of their ability to do their job successfully. Prepare a narrative before speaking to a recruiter that tells the story of your successes.

3. Do not sell yourself short. If you have a competitive job offer from another company, do not say things such as, “so long as you can get close to that offer I will accept.” This causes you to appear desperate. If you undervalue yourself a recruiter will see that and place that same low value on you.

4Do not reveal the lowest amount you’re willing to accept as compensation. This sets the bar low out of the gate and gives the other side an upper hand in negotiations. Instead, provide a salary range to your recruiter that is above the lowest you would actually accept. It is better for the company to show interest, but ask if you are willing to accept less than the provided range. The value you place on yourself will dictate your perceived value.

5. Again, this is about crafting an image of value and success. Therefore, do not appear desperate by telling your recruiter you’re available at any time of day to speak to a potential employer. Appearing busy will connote that you are actively speaking to other employers. Hopefully, this is more than just appearance, but offer windows of time you are available and go from there.

An important bonus tip: never tell a recruiter that the job being discussed is perfect and meets all your job requirements. While this may be true, you should come away from this article with a clear understanding of the importance of crafting a confident image of yourself.  Disclosing that you believe this to be the perfect job does not make you more qualified, instead once again portraying desperation or a lack of other options.

Recruiters represent potential employers and are experienced in discovering a candidate’s red flags. While many are kind and professional, they have a job to do and that requires them to filter unqualified candidates from the pipeline.

When receiving a job offer, your value is only as high as your experience, abilities, and confidence. While never wanting to appear arrogant, no company is going to believe in you more than you believe in yourself. Know your strengths and communicate them clearly, while limiting any perceived weaknesses.

Essential Tips for Hiring the Right Staffing Agency

hire right staffing agency

5 Tips for Hiring the Right Staffing Agency

Saving money and time on your staffing needs is an easy decision to make. However, hiring the right staffing agency for those needs may not always be.

You may have questions about how to go about the process.

Are there red flags you should look out for?

How about specific questions you should ask?

The criteria which make a staffing agency the “right one” varies based on your business, industry, and hiring goals. Knowing how to identify the company that can meet expectations and is a partner in streamlining your hiring process is essential to reducing employee turnover.

While not an exact science, the following will help you to hire the right staffing agency for your business.

The staffing agency’s experience

Your relationship with your recruiter is an important one. Ideally, when hiring a staffing agency, you want to see that they meet the following criteria:

a) Has recruiters with a track record of success

b) Has experience, both as an agency and for hiring in your industry

c) Shows a proven recruitment process with a history of performing

While a staffing agency that is new may seem attractive due to potentially lower fees or hunger to succeed, a winning, professional staffing company never loses that drive. It is true that you often get what you pay for, and seeking a company solely based on them being the cheapest is not advisable when adding employees to your business.

A staffing agency that knows the inner workings of the recruitment and hiring process, as well as what makes for a high-quality professional in your industry and company culture is invaluable.

While general staffing agencies can find talent in any industry, a track record of success in your industry is a plus. They will often have established connections, belong to networking groups, and have knowledge of what makes a talented candidate in that sector.

Your specific hiring needs

Identify the role(s) you need to be filled and how quickly you need to fill them.

To find the right staffing agency for your business, identifying needs will get the process off on the right foot. Understanding which staffing agency is the right fit for your needs requires you to concisely pinpoint and communicate what those needs are.

An ideal working partnership begins by establishing expectations and allowing the recruiter to begin the vetting process armed with the full scope of your requirements.

A valuable staffing agency will go above and beyond to locate top talent and minimize the potential for turnover. While it is sometimes inevitable, it can be seen as a red flag if the agency has a turnover rate for its clients that exceeds fifteen percent.

Evaluate the staffing agency’s process for recruitment

Ask how they locate and identify talent. What methods do they apply for determining if a candidate is a right fit beyond how they appear on paper? How long

A staffing agency with a proven recruitment process will have no qualms about sharing with you precisely what makes them successful.

Bonus Tip: Ask the agency for past client referrals and measure integrity by finding out how closely they followed that process with other companies.

Look for the competitive advantages they can provide

How does the staffing company help clients accomplish their hiring goals? An easy way to find this out is to ask for feedback, reviews/testimonials, and statistics.

Are past clients satisfied?

Do they have clients who continue to use them for their hiring needs?

The answers to these questions will provide insight into the agency’s bottom line. If they are working with repeat clients, that’s a positive sign that they’re good at what they do.

A staffing agency you work with should have no problems communicating to you how they deliver results. If they are unable to highlight their own successes and areas of expertise, that’s a red flag that you should look elsewhere.

Employee Satisfaction

A lot can be said about a company solely based on the attitudes of its employees. Engaging employees is a cornerstone in today’s successful business. If you sense a recruiter is unhappy on a call with you or your team, a potential candidate will likely sense the same.

If the staffing company supplies employee satisfaction surveys to further understand their desires and needs, that’s an excellent sign.

Bonus Tip: Basing an entire company’s reputation and potential on just one member of its team is not a great indicator of employee satisfaction. Any individual could be having just one bad day. However, if their attitude is similar to other team members, it’s safe to assume it is a reflection of the company culture.

Employ a staffing agency that checks all the boxes

While there is no cookie-cutter approach to identifying the best staffing agency for your business needs, following the tips in this article will be of great assistance.

Elgen Staffing is an agency that has long been committed to helping businesses of all sizes to put the best available talent in a position to succeed.

Originally helping companies with their staffing needs in Northern New Jersey and the Greater New York City area, Elgen Staffing’s success has seen them presently working with companies all over the United States.

Contact Elgen Staffing today and take the first step in hiring top talent. Give us a call at (201) 628-3587