How to Stay Productive Working Remotely

How to Be Productive Working Remotely

For many companies, COVID-19 forced a drastic shift in operations. Instead of sitting face-to-face around a conference table, meetings were moved to a virtual program such as Zoom or Teams. It has been crucial in these times for employees to remain motivated working from home, so as not to lose any productivity.

Here are some simple ways employees can remain productive while working remotely:

Adhere to Your Routine

Being organized and creating a routine are two important factors for remote employees. What does this look like in practice?

It is suggested that you continue to get up, take a shower and get dressed for work, even if you are only heading to a different room in your home. While it may be tempting to roll out of bed in your pajamas and get on the computer, this is not advisable.

Separating work from other at-home activities will allow employees to remain in a routine similar to when they were commuting. Keeping a routine at home will allow you to experience less stress and increase a feeling of productivity.

Get Out of the Home During Lunch

Whether it is taking lunch to a park and eating outside, or going to the gym on your break, getting outside, into the sun, and breathing fresh air can help break up the monotony of the day. Getting outside separates the workday, much like when you were at the office.

Additionally, vitamin D received from sunshine is important for mental and physical health. If you don’t give yourself a reason to get outside, one could very easily become a recluse, rarely seeing outside the walls of their home.

Drink Plenty of Water

While this is good practice for everyone, not just those working from home, it is no doubt easier to remain hydrated when working from home. There is no excuse not to get the recommended eight glasses of water.

Set a reminder for yourself. It is very easy to get into a pattern of drinking caffeine or energy drinks around the clock. Not only is too many of these substances not healthy, but they will also increase stress and potentially throw off your sleep cycle. As stated above, keeping a daily routine is crucial when working from home, and regular sleep times are part of that routine.

Take a Drive

While this may sound crazy, as not commuting is one of the more positive aspects of working remotely, taking a drive at some point during the day is important. Simply getting in your car and going for a short drive can lead to you being more alert upon re-entering the home.

Implementing something like taking a drive to get your morning cup of coffee lends itself to keeping part of the routine you may have had when commuting into the office. This can lessen the shock and isolation of working from home and add another element to your daily routine.


Taking these tips and placing them into your remote work life can assist in making remote work more enjoyable. While there are many benefits to working from home, many people have suffered mental health consequences due to the drastic shift. While this may be particularly more difficult for those who have been going into an office for twenty or more years, it is equally important for everyone to apply these principles.

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